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Data pubblicazione: venerdì, gennaio 5, 2018


Obligation of electronic storage and telematic transmission of corrispective's data

November 16th 2016

The risk was to paralyze all the sectors that entrust their business to automatic payments. Agenzia delle Entrate and Federlavaggi met in a climate of great collaboration to unravel the problems. The Decree Law n. 193 of 22 October 2016 "Urgent provisions on tax matters and for the financing of non-transferable needs", reports to art. 4 point 6 the modification of art. 2 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree. 127/2015 related to the electronic storage and telematic transmission of the data of the fees in the vending. In particular, the extension of the obligation of electronic storage and telematic transmission of payment data, also to taxable persons performing "services" through automatic vending machines and electronic transmission. Easy to say, it is much more complex to put it into practice: there was the risk of paralyzing entire sectors that have entrusted automatic payments to their business, on all car washes and self-service fuel dispensers. After the meeting between Federlavaggi and the Revenue Agency, the scenarios are much less dark and there is the will to find a solution that satisfies all the parties involved. But we hear the news and the feelings reported on the phone immediately after the meeting, directly from the voice of Gianluca Meschi, President of Federlavaggi who, in delegation with Marco Mion as a technician and Danilo de Vita as an expert tributary of Federlavaggi, represented the Association in the meeting held yesterday, November 15, 2016, in Rome. "We met the officials of the Inland Revenue and we were not alone - says Meschi -, in fact there were other trade associations that have our same problem, that is to understand how this legislation works and understand how and when it will become operational. The expiry of April 1 is also valid for our industry, but I can say with a certain certainty that it will be moved, I think a lot, because we have managed to understand the complexity that involves giving the information you need for each individual machine on the square . As it is written today, if a hypothetical washing machine had 10 vacuum cleaners, two portals and five tracks, each machine should transmit the data of its transactions / operations to the Inland Revenue. It is easy to imagine the complexity of adapting all the machines, a difficult and impossible operation for the older ones. The positive fact is that the officials of the Inland Revenue have absolutely understood this: we met people who were prepared, open and willing to listen to our problems. This is positive because in Italy there is a tendency to think otherwise on civil servants. Instead, at the beginning they immediately declared: "we are here to understand and put you in a position to respect the Law, because the law is there and the Inland Revenue has not written it, but we want to apply it without creating problems". This was the fantastic approach, I think, with which they presented themselves. So we explained that for the world of carwashing the problem is to adapt the current machines, they have understood it and now they will reflect on what solutions can be advanced. We have proposed a first phase, lasting some years, during which only the distributors of tokens will be those recorded and put on the net. That is only the machines that receive the money and not the whole square. Then in a second time, around 2022/2023, all the machines will have to be adapted to the regulations but, in reality, the second phase is not yet clear even for pure vending. We are still debating and Federlavaggi is now part of this table: we are credible and serious interlocutors for them. Other meetings will be scheduled soon and we are waiting to know when to return to Rome to discuss the technical aspects and especially to move our deadline. We have not been told a "do not worry, we will do it", but a "it makes no sense not to do it" until we are ready. Also important is the fact that they have repeatedly reiterated: "we do not want to make companies difficult, and if Federlavaggi says that there are these risks, we want to avoid them and we want to find a way to do it". Also because up to now the Inland Revenue does not appear that other interlocutors of our industry have come forward and were completely unfamiliar with the problems of our industry, we must acknowledge that with this meeting Federlavaggi has shown a great intellectual honesty advocating the cause of the sector in general and not only that of the producing companies ". "We have not talked about the fact that all the new machines sold since April 1 must be up to standard - concludes a satisfied Meschi -. Now we are waiting for the convocation for n


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